Marketing digital and Commercial (MDC)


Octobre 2025







1ère année 3700€

2ème année 3900€

3ème année 4300€

3 ans

(environ 400 heures par an)


400+ hours of initial training in higher education for adults with a baccalaureate or equivalent degree.

Teaching language
- French

Competencies to be acquired
- Master the fundamentals of marketing and communication

- Understand the stakes involved in communication and digital marketing
- Implement a traditional and digital communication campaign
- Negotiate and set up partnerships
- Identify sales opportunities and develop a French and international customer portfolio
- Monitor sales, competition and technology, and define marketing action plans in France and abroad
- Manage a sales team and monitor sales performance in France and abroad

Programe - Training features

General courses
- Language LV.1 French/English
- Law & Economics
- Management (management, accounting basics, etc.)

Professional courses
- Marketing (market analysis, business development, etc.)
- Communication (conception, design, planning, execution)

Mandatory internship in 3rd year
- Minimum 280 hours (2 months full time) in company
- Maximum 6 months (per year)

Classes are held on site, and students are expected to attend regularly (unless exceptional arrangements have been made).
- Initial in-class training
- Additional e-learning modules

- Options available for working professionals
- Rhythm: Half-day Monday to Friday (American style)
- Professional business meetings

RNCP certification challenge option by application and admission at the beginning of the school year by e-mail to
Around 50 hours of course modules and additional exams are added to the initial program.
* Ref RNCP : French and international business development manager level 6 Code NSF 312P, published in the JO dated 16/12/2020 issued by CTI

Equivalence and bridge : No

Professions prepared
- Marketing Manager
- French and international business development manager
- Communication Manager
- Product manager
- Business Manager

Activity sector
- Marketing
- Communication
- Commercial

Publicis, Unilever, Procter & Gamble, Hoegaarden, Pepsico, Nestle, Johnson & Johnson, Bayer, Bmw, Philipps, Carrefour, Salesforce, Optimize360, Zeegroup, Abileo, ADI, Back market, etc.

Continuation of post-graduate studies
Mastère in International Trade, Marketing, Purchasing and Supply Chain, Logistics Operations



Assessments take place throughout the school year
- Continuous oral and written exams and MCQs.
- Follow-up with a quiz at the end of each course. Depending on your results, a certificate of attendance will be issued.
- In the final year of your course, you'll be required to give a presentation on the professional mission of your internship.
- If you fail an exam, an additional final assessment may be held at the end of each semester.
- Specific, fee-paying remedial exam sessions will be organized at the end of the summer if necessary.

Support resources

Mankind :
- Our teachers/trainers are selected on the basis of their diplomas and professional experience, and each profile is registered with the Rectorat de Paris for teaching authorization.
- Students can contact members of the pedagogical team at any time via our internal “ILCI-Edutech” messaging system.

Equipment :
- 6 classrooms
- Digital displays

- Whiteboards
- Possibility of distance learning
- Digital learning space

2025-2026 Tuition Fees

Formation fees (excluding application fees) - payable in instalments within 5 months
First year, Bachelor 1 : 3 700 €
Second year, Bachelor
2 : 3 900 €
Third year, Bachelor 3: 4300 €

Application fees (non-refundable)
600 € for E.U. students or students with a valid residence permit
900 €
for files with a VISA request

Pre-registration : issued for applications paid 6 months before the start of the school year, or for conditional admissions (e.g. diploma in progress).
Final registration : issued for applications with a deposit of 1 000

Scaling :
- 25% before the start of the 1st semester
- 50% before the end of the 1st semester
- 75% before the start of the 2nd semester
- 100% before the end of the 2nd semester

RNCP challenge : Additional 900 € to be paid annually in Bachelor 2 and Bachelor 3 before the start of the 2nd semester.

Deferral (with authorization) :
If you need to postpone your school start, you won't lose your full application fee.
A 50% discount will be applied.


Conditions :
Admission based on a completed application and interview

French native speaker or B2 level minimum

For access to Bachelor 1 :
French baccalaureate or equivalent foreign diploma

For access to Bachelor 1 Bachelor 2 ou 3 :
Bac +1 or +2 obtained in Management, Human and Social Sciences (Law, Economics, Sociology, Foreign Languages...).

Application dates :
October session
- Candidates with visa request : March 15 - July 15
- Candidates without visa request : 15 Mars - 15 Septembre
Start date : 30 Septembre, 2025

January session
- Candidates with visa request : 15 August - 15 Novembre,
- Candidates without visa request : 15 Octobre - 15 January
Start date : February 03, 2026

Application deadline: Between 10 days and 6 months depending on the date of application

The final registration certificate will be sent :
- After validation of the application by the school jury
- Signing of internal regulations and general terms and conditions of sale
- After payment of registration fees